Wednesday, July 3, 2024

July 3, 2024

Wednesday Word:  Vacation

Joelene and I have been out of town on vacation.  We planned a secret-to-my-daughter trip back to Maryland to surprise her for her birthday. 

While here we scheduled time with a variety of friends, seeing people who became near and dear to us during our time there.  We have also eaten at a few of our favorite restaurants, and Joelene and Cece caught a show in Baltimore.  On the whole, this has been a relaxing time of friends, food, and remembrances.

We all need to find time to recharge.  We all need to reconnect.  We all need to relax.  Even Jesus found time to get away.

As we move into the 4th of July holiday, I hope you all find time to gather with friends, have some fun, and take time to remember who and what is important to you.

Stay safe,

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