Wednesday, January 3, 2018

January 3, 2018


I've used this word in the past – most recently in September of 2106 as I took a hiatus from writing the Wednesday Word while my family and I moved from Grants Pass to Hagerstown. Unfortunately I find myself needing to take another hiatus from writing.

After Christmas my family went to Ocean City for a few days to relax and watch the sunrise over the Atlantic. During the afternoon of our second day I went ice skating with our daughter. And during that skating session I took a spill and dislocated my right shoulder. I won't go into all the details, but suffice it to say that my right arm is currently non-functional.

Doctors have been visited and scheduled, tests have been or will be done, and I'm learning to cope with the use of only my left arm and hand. I would ask that you forgive my apparent clumsiness, that you be patient with the absence for a time of what so many of you have found beneficial, and for your healing prayers.

As soon as I am able I will begin writing again. In the meantime, here are a few links you may find interesting:

May you have a safe and blessed 2018,