Wednesday, July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

Wednesday Word:  Thank you

This past Sunday, July 21, was a very big day at Saint Luke’s.  It began with our usual Holy Eucharist service at 9:00, which was then followed by a pancake breakfast with bacon, sausage, and juice/coffee.  That was followed with a bevy of activity from the reception committee as they set up and prepared for the installation service reception.  Bishop Katharine arrived at 2:30 to meet with several members of our youth group, and then the installation service itself took place at 4:00.  Not only was there a good turnout of parishioners, but we had several visitors and four other clergy of the diocese, three of whom vested.

Hymns were sung, prayers were offered, words were spoken, gifts were given, and fellowship was enjoyed.  All in all, it was a grand day.

Thank you to everyone who participated on Sunday:

            Thank you to the people who came to worship at 9:00.

            Thank you to Jim Wood and his Crew of Capable Cooks for making breakfast.

            Thank you to Donna Naill and the Reception Committee for all their work in setting up.

            Thank you to the people who joined us to celebrate new beginnings at 4:00.

            Thank you to everyone who joined us for the reception and provided joy.

            Thank you to everyone who stuck around afterward and helped clean up.

It was a great day that symbolized our joint new beginnings of priest and people.  I am glad to be sharing this life and ministry with you all.

Thank you

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