Wednesday, July 10, 2024

July 10, 2024

Wednesday Word:  Home

When I first began my tenure at Christ Church, Sheridan, and Saint Paul’s, Virginia City, Montana, I was a transitional deacon; that is, I was ordained as a deacon in June and was waiting the canonically-required time of at least six months before being ordained as a priest.  Because I was still “in the process,” I was still required to meet with the Commission on Ministry to ensure that things would still move forward.

During one of those phone meetings I was asked to describe how I was settling in in the new place (or something like that, I can’t exactly remember).  I remember talking about the churches, the people, the mountains, and feeling a sense of being home.  Someone on the COM said that was the first time they heard me excited about everything. 

Fast forward to this past Monday.  I was talking about my vacation with some parishioners and one of them said, “Welcome home . . . No, I’ll say, ‘Welcome back,’ because this probably doesn’t feel like home.”

On the contrary, this very much feels like home.  Everything from the mountains to the weather to the right time zone to the people of Saint Luke’s makes this feel like home.  There are certainly things that are not home yet, but we’re on a good start.  As we move forward, this place will continue to be our home and become more embedded in our lives.

So yes, we’re home from vacation and we’re home for the long-haul.

It’s good to be home.


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