Wednesday, June 5, 2024

June 5, 2024

Wednesday Word:  You Never Know

Today is the Feast Day of Boniface, Archbishop of Mainz.  He was born in England about 675 with the name of Winfred.  Eventually he became a monk and was ordained to the priesthood.

Inspired by others, he decided to become a missionary to what is now known as the Netherlands in 716.  This journey was a failure, so three years later he gained a meeting with Pope Gregory II who changed his name to Boniface and sent him to Germany.  While serving as Archbishop of Mainz, he anointed Pepin as King of the Franks in 752.  Pepin eventually had a son who was named Charlemagne.  That son became the first person to rule a united western Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire 300 years earlier, eventually taking the title of Holy Roman Emperor and impacting Europe for centuries.

Boniface could not have known that the man he anointed king would have a son who would become emperor of all Europe.  In the same way, we don’t always know how our words or actions will impact or influence people and events years from now.

In a world filled with animosity, greed, distrust, violence, and other such antichrist behaviors, choose to be different.  Choose to be kind, to share your wealth, to trust others, to strive for peace and justice, and to reflect the love of Christ to all you encounter.  Because, like Boniface, you will never know how your words and actions will impact the world.


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