Wednesday, June 12, 2024

June 12, 2024

Wednesday Word:  Of Desert Monks and the Trinity

You may have heard me say something like, “I really need to be a desert monk in a cave somewhere.”  This sentiment usually comes when I’m frustrated about church life in one way or another.  Most recently I said it to Marilyn when we were trying to figure out why the copier wasn’t working (which, of course, happened when Monica was away).  I just need to be a monk in a cave where I don’t have to deal with persnickety copiers.

Joelene was in Seattle from May 25 to June 2 for our nephew’s high school graduation and our niece’s final track meet of the year.  While not in the desert, and most definitely not in a cave, it certainly felt like I got that wish of isolation.

As Christians we hold God to be three-in-one and one-in-three.  This trinitarian view of God holds that God exists in relationship, each part of the Godhead in perfect relation and community with the other parts.

“And God said, ‘Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness’.”  Scholars and theologians have said one of the reasons for the creation of humans was so that God could further live into relationship and community.  The doctrine of the Trinity establishes that God is not alone (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), but that God also desires a wider community of love.

That week without Joelene wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, for even desert monks share in a wider community.  That week was a reminder that we were created to be in community. 

May we work to make Saint Luke’s not only a place where individuals find solace and strength, but where the bonds of community are created and strengthened.  May we live into the trinitarian love of God.


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