Wednesday, October 6, 2021

October 6, 2021

“The Body of Christ, the Bread of Heaven.”

Those are the words of administration as (usually) a priest or (sometimes) other person places a consecrated wafer or piece of bread into the hands of those coming forward to receive Communion. For Episcopalians/Anglicans, Catholics, Orthodox, and some others, receiving Communion is probably the pinnacle of our worship. Everything that happens before Holy Communion points to that part of the liturgy, and almost immediately after receiving that blessed Sacrament we give thanks for being fed with holy food and ask for strength to go forth and do the work God has given us to do.

As we all know, COVID has played havoc with our worship and our ability to receive Holy Communion. There was a time when we were shut down and only a minimal number of people were allowed in the building as we broadcast worship services online. In the very beginning, those services were Morning Prayer. Eventually that gave way to Holy Eucharist, which eventually gave way to allowing people back in the building in limited numbers to worship and receive Communion.

And now, while masks and contact tracing are still required, and physical distancing is highly recommended, we have opened up to allowing more people into the building. Thankfully most of you have been vaccinated. But since we are still experiencing high COVID numbers due partially to a high rate of unvaccinated people in Washington County, as well as Fulton and Franklin counties in PA, and Berkeley County in WV, we continue to take precautions with how we meet and worship here at Saint John's.

We are all in different places with our own comfort levels. Some of you feel very comfortable with the precautions we have implemented and come worship together on Sunday. Others are less comfortable with being in larger groups and prefer to remain at home, worshiping with the rest of the body through our live feed. Neither of those are wrong, as they are based on personal health choices.

All that said, today's Wednesday Word is primarily geared toward those of you who are choosing to remain at home for the time being.

If you have been missing being fed with the Body of Christ, I want to remind you that you can call the church office, or myself for that matter, and ask that either the priest or a Eucharistic Visitor bring Holy Communion to your home. All people who make these home visits have been vaccinated, and all would be happy to share this heavenly meal with you.

We, as the church, are part of the body of Christ, each with our own particular gifts that we offer to God, the Church, and the wider community. But, as our physical bodies need nourishment, our spiritual bodies also need nourishment. I invite and encourage those of you who have not received the Sacrament of Holy Communion due to COVID separation to contact me and schedule a time when we can get together for a service of Holy Communion and where you once again may be fed with the Body of Christ and the Bread of Heaven.



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