Wednesday, October 20, 2021

October 20, 2021

Make a joyful noise – Psalms 66, 95, 98, and 100

In looking up the above phrase I was actually surprised to see how few times it appears in scripture. For as often as that phrase gets used, I assumed it was more prevalent than it actually is.

Putting that aside, though, I have some good news: it is time once again for us to make a joyful noise to the Lord.

I received an email from the diocese stating that, due to “continued circumstantial evidence point[ing] to masked singing being lower risk when when a large percentage of the attendees are vaccinated,” congregational singing would be allowed once again with some cautious caveats.

First, the majority of people must be vaccinated. Based on the survey from several months ago asking about vaccination status, as well as conversations I've had with people, I am comfortable in saying that the vaccination rate at Saint John's is 90 percent or greater. This is good news that has a positive effect within our congregation and, hopefully, within our other social circles outside of the church.

Second, it is highly recommended that windows remain open to assist with airflow. As we enter the colder months this could become an issue, but maybe we could find a happy medium that allows for airflow without forcing everyone to wear mittens and earmuffs.

Third, continued physical distancing is encouraged. We do not need to return to the former days of taking reservations in order to keep Sunday attendance within accepted limits, but we do need to remember this and pay attention to where we sit. Individuals may want to consider sitting at opposite ends of a single pew. Couples may want to consider staggering the seating (so don't sit directly behind someone at the center aisle, but slide over to the outside aisle). Families may want to think about sitting in a back pew (I know . . . I know) to allow others to consider how they might effectively physically distance. And don't forget, we also have several pews in the front that are still marked off/reserved for extra spacing.

Finally, please remember that we need to continue to be vigilant about COVID and to maintain safe practices (wearing masks in public places, limiting where we go, get vaccinated if you haven't done so yet, get your booster shot when it becomes available, etc.). Masks and contact tracing are still required within Saint John's. The last chart I looked at showed Washington County with the third highest case rate and second highest positivity rate in the state. I know that we are all COVID-weary, tired of wearing masks, tired in general, but, as we begin to make small strides, we can't afford to relax now.

All of that said, however . . . we are once again allowed to make a joyful noise together, as one body, involving all who want to sing! So please join me as we once again proclaim, “Holy, holy, holy Lord!” together, and as we sing our praises to the Lord most high.

I look forward to hearing you this Sunday,

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