Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

 Shameless Plug

I'm part of a Facebook group called, “Online Worship – Best Practices/Sharing.” Unlike some other worship groups I'm part of, there's no sniping at each other about rubrics, what bishop is committing heresy, why a liturgical practice should be banned, or where the BCP is all wrong. This particular group is solely concerned with, “What have you found to be helpful during COVID?” So it's a place where people share, get ideas, ask about equipment, and the like.

One member of the group, the Rev. Steven D. Martin, is the founder of The Lakelands Institute and is highly involved with helping churches cope and succeed in this new COVID world of technology and worship. Last week he put up a post asking if anyone would be willing to be part of his podcast, Online Ministry Mastermind. Well, I bit and said yes.

So this afternoon at 4:00 he will be interviewing me about how we are handling our worship and technology at Saint John's. I won't know exactly when it will be put up for listening until after the interview, but when it is, I will let you all know.

He sent me a list of questions he wants to get to, and I want to share two of those with you in the hopes that you all will be willing to help me answer:

  1. If money was not object, how would you handle things? Dream a little.

  2. Thinking about the recent experience, what has been an unexpected gift?

Normally I write the Wednesday Word to give you something to think about or to provide something positive during the week. Today, though, not only I am making you think (see question #1) and giving you something positive to ponder (see question #2), but I'm also asking you to share those thoughts with me. And then I will take some of those thoughts and blessings and use them in the interview.

But remember – the interview is at 4:00 today, so please e-mail before 3:00 eastern.



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