Wednesday, September 25, 2024

September 25, 2024

Wednesday Word:  A New Life of Grace

This coming Sunday is the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels.  Michael is one of four archangels mentioned in scripture (the others being Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel).  We are most familiar with Michael and Gabriel, as it is Michael who leads the other angels to battle against Satan and Gabriel who is God’s main messenger (appearing to Zechariah and Mary to announce the births of John and Jesus).

Michael is also known as a healer and as the angel who guards people at the time of their death, leading them to everlasting life.

Adding to all of that, this coming Sunday is the baptism of Hope.  She is about 1-1/2 years old and the daughter of Joshua.  She is also fearless, which makes her a great companion to Michael.

This Sunday Hope and her family will attend Saint Luke’s for the first time.  She will be presented, renunciations and affirmations will be made, support will be given, prayers will be offered, she will be baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and she will be marked and sealed as Christ’s own for ever.  And in that moment, Hope will be raised to a new life of grace in our Lord Jesus Christ.

I once heard someone in another congregation say something along the lines of, “Why are they being baptized here if they aren’t part of our congregation?”  I have a snarky response to that question, but, instead, I’ll give you my best answer.

We baptize people who aren’t part of our congregation because they ask.  Baptism is the official entry point into the household of God.  Unlike Communion, the only requirement to being baptized is a desire to do so.  Baptism is the beginning.  We can hope that people who present themselves or their children for baptism have a desire to be part of a Christian community.  It then becomes our job to welcome them, feed them, pray and worship with them, and walk with them on the Christian journey.

This coming Sunday, let us welcome the newly baptized.  Let us affirm that we will stand with the family and Saint Michael as we do battle against spiritual forces of wickedness that rebel against God.  Let us offer a place of warmth, joy, and support so they know we appreciate their presence.  And let us celebrate this new life of grace to which we are all a part.

I look forward to sharing this special day with you.

PS:  Did I mention there’s cake?

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