Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11, 2024

Wednesday Word:  Thank you

Sometimes saying, “Thank you,” conveys everything you want it to mean.  When you get a birthday or anniversary call or text, saying thank you is good.  When someone puts an unexpected piece of pie on your desk, saying thank you is good.  When someone with a grocery cart full of stuff lets you in front because you only have a couple of things, saying thank you is good.

And sometimes saying thank you doesn’t even begin to cover it, but it’s the only phrase we have.

This past Sunday was the annual Harvest Hoedown.  The event had some good music, good food, good conversations, many good items up for auction, and a good spirit.  It was a huge effort by many, many people:  from the Committee who organized and planned it, to all those who set up and tore down, to those who cooked the meal, to those who donated items for both the silent and live auctions, to everyone who sold dinner and raffle tickets, it took the efforts of many people and the extra hard work of a few people.

Early reports are that this may have been the most successful Hoedown to date, and I think a good reason for that, besides the work of the planning committee, was the decision to give 25 percent of the proceeds to fire relief.

“Thank you” doesn’t seem to begin to cover all of what needs to be said; but it’s also the only phrase I have.

So . . . Thank you to everyone involved in this amazing event.  You are greatly appreciated.


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