Wednesday, December 6, 2023

December 6, 2023

Today is the Feast Day of Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra.  As with most Saints, we don’t know much about him.  He was born in Asia Minor (Turkey), suffered imprisonment at the hands of Emperor Diocletian, is associated with saving three young girls from a life of prostitution by dropping gold coins through their windows at night so their father could pay their dowry (or maybe into their shoes), saving sailors from drowning, and was possibly at the Council of Nicaea (325) where he defended Orthodox Christianity against Arius and the Arian Heresy.

He's the patron saint of children, sailors, repentant thieves, brewers, pawnbrokers, and unmarried people.

Saint Nicholas was popular in Europe, and immigrants brought the history, legends, and traditions of Sinter Klaas to North America, where he eventually morphed into Santa Claus.

He continues to be celebrated as a major Saint in the Russian and Serbian Orthodox Churches.

Why am I bringing up Saint Nicholas, other than that today is his feast day?

We have officially entered the holiday season.  Besides the obvious celebration of Christmas, there are also celebrations of Hannukah, Kwanza, and a whole list of other feast days.  The world, and the Hallmark Channel in particular, would have you believe that these are the happiest days of the year, filled with celebrations and good cheer. 

Saint Nicholas reminds us that that is not always the case.  He reminds us that the holidays are filled with broken people, with people in danger, with people in precarious situations, with people who have experienced loss, and with people for whom this is not the hap, hap, happiest time of the year.

This Christmas may we be like Saint Nicholas.  May we be aware of those in need and offer the presence and hope of a God who is present in all aspects of our lives.

May you have a blessed Advent and Christmas Season,


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