Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 1, 2020

Stay home.

We have been in various stages of social distancing/quarantines for a few weeks now. Depending on where you live, that has been either “strongly suggested” or mandatory. On Monday, the Governor of Maryland made it mandatory, closing all non-essential businesses and telling people to remain in their homes except for necessary trips (groceries, for instance) and outside exercise (with appropriate distancing). People disregarding this order would be subject to fines and/or arrest.

I have said several times that Saint John's is essential to the mental and spiritual health of the people connected to it. Based on that fact, and doing some digging around, I found enough information to make that case should I have to. I also found . . . for lack of a better term . . . a COVID19 travel document that employers can give to their essential employees that provides proof of essential travel. I made copies for the people in the office just in case.

Melonie and I talked and she will be working from home most days, coming in maybe one day a week just to make sure I haven't burnt the place down or broken anything. We are also working on getting me set up so that I can work from home if needed. Katherine can do everything she needs to from home to ensure our finances are up-to-date. Mark comes into the office to work on the music that he can't do from home. And Dcn. Sue comes in on Mondays as needed. But we are all maintaining proper distancing and following recommended health protocols.

Sunday worship will continue to stream online via our Facebook page. We are working on also setting up a YouTube page so those who don't have Facebook can still watch live. The Sunday services are also posted to our website so that you can watch them at a later time if 9:30 on Sunday doesn't fit your schedule. Again, we are limiting the number of people in the church, and are appropriately distanced. And this is because I feel we are essential to the mental and spiritual health of our parishioners and, hopefully, people beyond our parish boundaries.

All of this is being done so that you can stay home and stay safe. We are following both the bishop's and governor's orders to the best of our ability and following health guidelines to keep us safe. The best thing for you to do is to stay home, follow recommended guidelines, stay connected to family and friends, and remain prayerful.

The Holy Week service schedule will come out later this week.

In this time when we are all classified as shut in, I hope these services and these connections give you comfort and strength. And until we can meet again in joyful reunion, I leave you with this: “Your statutes have been my songs wherever I make my home” – Ps. 119:54.

Stay home, stay safe, and

Be well,



  1. Just be careful. Don't go all Tony Spell on us.

  2. That's what I figured. You're too smart for that! One of his parishioners said she was "covered by the blood of Jesus" and He would keep her safe. I need Jesus to save my soul not wipe my nose.
