Wednesday, November 27, 2019

November 27, 2019


That word is especially appropriate on this day before Thanksgiving. Gratitude and Thankfulness go hand in hand as we reflect on everything for which we are grateful.

I am thankful and grateful for a whole litany of things: My wife and daughter; the parish I serve; friends I have made here on the east coast; modern communications that allow me to remain in contact with family and friends on the west coast; a hobby I continue to love; all of the various people who keep the ministries and outreach of Saint John's active and vital; a good and caring Vestry; a good medical team; and the list goes on.

One of the challenges, though, of listing all of these thanksgivings is falling into the trap of the Pharisee at the temple who prayed, “Thank God I am not like those other people.”

Giving thanks and being appreciative is one thing; seeing those as a blessing from God because you are better in some way than those other people is something else entirely.

So how might we avoid that “more blessed than thou” attitude?

What if, for every blessing you count, you counter that with an action that looks beyond yourself? In other words, if you're thankful for having enough food to eat every day, make a donation to the food bank, to Micah's backpack, or to Community Cafe. If you're thankful for having enough clothes, make a donation to places where clothing is needed. If you're thankful for having a roof over your head and safe place to sleep, make a donation to the Saint John's Shelter, to REACH, or to another agency that works to house the homeless.

This Thanksgiving we give thanks for all the blessings we have received, for that is meet and right so to do; but let us not forget or neglect to see how our blessings can be used to bless others in need, for that is our bounden duty.

Blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving,

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