Wednesday, July 17, 2019

July 17, 2019


So, after almost three years here at Saint John's, I'm finally taking a vacation. There are several reasons why I haven't done so until now, probably none of them are very good.

First, I'm more of a “short few days away from the office” kind of guy than a “long two or three weeks away from the office” kind of guy. I've really always been this way, never really liking being away for a long period of time. Well, let me rephrase that: I've never liked coming back to the office after being away for a long period of time. So I avoid it when I can.

Another reason is that Joelene hasn't always had the time available from her job to take a vacation. She's used days here and there, just as I've used time here and there. But now she does have the time so we can both take vacation at the same time.

And a third reason is geography. “Way out here in western Maryland” it can be difficult to find supply clergy to fill in. We don't have any retired priests within the congregation able to do so, and retired priests in general are in short-supply out this way.

So there are some reasons why it has taken me so long to get away.

That said, Joelene and I are heading to Washington (the big one in the upper left corner) this Saturday. We will spend time visiting family and friends in Seattle, Wenatchee, Richland, and Spokane. And then we come home on a red-eye flight that gets us into Baltimore at 6 am.

While I'm away, you can contact Deacon Sue or Melonie if you have a pastoral emergency. Dusty and Sherrie, with their pastoral care team and Stephens Ministers are also available if needed. And for my part, you all will continue to be in my prayers.

I'm looking forward to being out west once again; but I'm also looking forward to a safe return home. Have a good couple of weeks.


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