Wednesday, April 3, 2019

April 3, 2019


The Monday night study group is working their way through a program called The Way of Love.

This is a seven-session program from the Episcopal church that journeys through Lent and the first week of Easter. It's designed around the Great Vigil of Easter and gives participants some things to think about and/or incorporate into their lives as part of their Lenten discipline.

This week's topic was Rest.

As we approach Holy Week and all that entails, along with all of the preparations that go into making Holy Week what it is here at St. John's, I wonder about this thing called Rest and if you are getting enough of it.

Where do you find Rest? What feeds your soul? What recharges your batteries?

We live in a society that values “production” and encourages, either explicitly or implicitly, people to neglect themselves in favor of various financial or career pursuits. But that is not healthy. We need to find time to Rest.

God rested on the seventh day. Jesus found time to get away alone and rest. Jesus found time to take a nap in the back of a boat. Rest is critical for our physical, spiritual, and mental well-being.

Take some time and rest. And if you can't find the time to rest, schedule it on your calendar; because sometimes we need to be intentional about taking a rest.

Rest from the hustle and bustle of the world. Rest from the noise of the world and find time to listen. Rest from the demands and sit with God. Rest from judgmental behavior. Rest from arguing. Rest from feuding. Rest from grudges. Rest from stress.

And as we wind down from our Lenten disciplines and look forward to Easter, remember that Jesus rested for three days.

How will you rest?


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