was your day?”
did you do?”
so begins a typical conversation in a typical working-household on a
typical night around the county after everyone has regathered at home
following the work day.
did I do today?
can be a difficult question for me to answer because sometimes this
job isn't necessarily about results or accomplishments or checking
things off the to-do list. There are things that certainly have to
get done . . . I have to make sure hymns have been selected; I have
to make sure the bulletin is proofed; I have to make sure a sermon
gets written. And those are the days when I know I'm doing
did I do today?
drove. A lot. I had four conversations. All important.
met with the wife whose husband is dying and we discussed funeral
plans. This is always good work, but it is also always hard work.
It was a good conversation and I believe that she is in a place where
the stress of worrying about the funeral service is now one less
thing to be worried about. And we prayed.
met with the husband. Due to timing, I wasn't able to spend very
long with him, but the conversation was also good. He, too, is in a
place that, for at least today, seemed to be fully aware and
comfortable with this stage of life. And we prayed.
talked with a friend of the above who has been asked to participate
in the funeral. He had some good insights, for which I am
appreciative. I gave him an update, for which he was appreciative.
And together we will work to honor God, the husband, and care for the
I talked with the Chair of the Stewardship Commission about the
upcoming pledge drive. We laid out a timeline. We set some goals.
We bantered about the overall theme of the campaign. We came away
feeling positive about where St. John's currently is and where we are
did I do today? Not much; just talked to a few people. But
sometimes it's the conversations that make for good days.
was your day?