Wednesday Word: The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is this Friday and commemorates her visit to her elderly cousin Elizabeth, who was herself six-months pregnant with John the Baptist. After Elizabeth meets her at the door, Mary replies with the song that has come to be known as the Magnificat, "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord . . ."
This event is recorded in the Gospel of Luke, and takes place after the angel Gabriel visits Mary to announce that she will conceive and give birth to Jesus. There are a few things from this story that are worth considering:During this time, Zechariah, Elizabeth's husband, has ben struck mute because of his encounter with Gabriel. After Elizabeth conceived, she spent five months in self-imposed seclusion. Mary, unmarried, pregnant, and probably more than a little scared, left her home and stayed with Elizabeth for about three months, most likely trying to sort things out with a trusted confidant. Mary may have been present for the birth of John before she returned to her home and the protective care of Joseph.
Thinking about this particular Feast and everything associated with it, I am most intrigued with those three months Mary spent with Elizabeth. We all need a trusted friend and quiet place to go when we are faced with difficult and/or confusing times. Who is that person, and where is that place, with whom can you have sacred, trusted conversations and feel the presence of God?
Life can be difficult. The Feast of the Visitation reminds us we don't need to make this journey alone.