Merry Christmas to you!
Today is the Fourth Day of Christmas, and despite most radio stations returning to their regular programming, despite stores having removed Christmas decorations and priced certain items for quick clearance in order to make room for their Valentine's Day product, it is still the Christmas season. It is still the season of joy and light. It is still the season when we recall that “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” (John 1:5)
Between December 25, Christmas Day, and January 6, the Epiphany, there are celebrations for the lives of Saint Stephen, Deacon and Martyr, and Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist (and our patron), as well as the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus Christ (which we will celebrate on Sunday, January 1, at 9:30).
There is also today.
Today we commemorate the Holy Innocents, the day we remember the slaughter of children in and around Bethlehem on Herod's order after the wise men departed for home without telling him where they found Jesus and his family. In the midst of the Christmas celebration, we have the remembrance of a horrific event. In some places this day has been turned into “Children's Day,” when children are given authority to rule the household, or for children to play practical jokes, becoming a day of merry making for children. Although in medieval England, children were whipped in bed to remind them of the mournfulness of the day.
Despite this becoming a day of festivities for children, this day still commemorates and reminds us of a horrific event called for by an evil tyrant in an effort to put an end to God's plan by killing innocent children. The festivities are only a weak attempt to cover up the horrors of that day.
This day, as much as Good Friday does, reminds us that the powers and principalities of this world will stop at nothing to crush the light of God. This day reminds us that the rulers of this world will not bat an eye if innocent people are victimized, imprisoned, abused, neglected, and killed, as long as the methods used keep the powerful in power and those under their rule fearful of an invisible “other.”
Holy Innocents is not just about the children killed on Herod's order. It is for all people of color who are victimized by overt and covert actions of white supremacy and systemic racism. It is for all women who are abused and victimized by men. It is for all victims of domestic abuse, both men and women. It is for all those who suffer from mental health issues but can't get help because programs have been cut. It is for all innocent refugees turned away at borders and refused help. It is for lgbtq+ people ostracized and abused for being who they are. It is for anyone who suffers at the hands of those in power because they are seen as an inconvenience or a threat.
But Holy Innocents also reminds us that no matter how much people work against God, God always finds a way to keep the light shining. The Holy Family escaped. There are instances when justice wins. The light continues to shine in the darkness, and the darkness will not overcome it.