Holy God, Holy and Mighty, Holy Immortal One, Have mercy upon us.
This simple prayer is known as the Trisagion (a Greek word meaning, “Thrice Holy”). It's a standard hymn of the Divine Liturgy of the Orthodox churches, and is used in other liturgical churches in a variety of places and a variety of forms. We use it at Saint John's as an alternative to the Gloria during the Advent season, and I personally use it during times of contemplative prayer because its formula easily drives out other thoughts as well as offering a simple but powerful truth about God and us.
This prayer is also used during the Way of the Cross as a prayer between each Station. As we move from Jesus' condemnation through his journey to Golgotha and his death and burial, we recite this prayer. After fourteen stations, three times each, for a total of forty-two times, we recite this ancient hymn.
As I recite and meditate on the words of this hymn, I am reminded that it is God who is holy, mighty, and immortal, and I am not. As we move through the Stations of the Cross reciting this hymn, we are reminded that the body of Jesus also contained the divinity of God, thereby making him holy, mighty, and immortal, and at this moment in time we are asking for mercy due to our participation in his crucifixion.
As we move through Holy Week and all that entails, as we move through our lives when we get overly busy and sometimes overwhelmed, keep this prayer in mind. Use it when you need to slow down. Use it when you can't find the words to pray. Use it to remind you it is only God who is holy. Use it to remind yourself that you need to ask for mercy.
Holy God . . . breathe
Holy and Mighty . . . breathe
Holy Immortal One . . . .breathe
Have mercy upon us.
May you have a blessed Holy Week,