“Oops.” – Almost anyone at one
time or another
Every once in awhile I have some “free”
time on my hands in the office. For one reason or another, the
schedule works out where what I normally have scheduled for the week
doesn't happen, thereby freeing up the time to do something else . .
. like clean off my desk and/or catch up on my reading.
Today I worked on the table in my
office as well as the inbox for one of my e-mail accounts. The table
got cleaned off to a respectable level, and the in box got down to a
grand total of 9 (NINE!!) emails, down from something
like 2065.
I basically went through the list one
page of 50 at a time, scanned through to see if it looked like it was
anything important, and hit the mass delete button. Obviously
e-mails from 2016 and 2017 were easy targets. The ones from 2018
received a little slower look, and the ones from 2019 received
serious consideration as to whether or not I should keep it.
E-mails to me are a lot like the
closets in a church. You don't want to examine them too closely for
fear of discovering something that should have been dealt with years
ago. But you also don't want to go and throw it all away without
taking at least a glance at it because you “might need it someday.”
I thought that I might need some of those e-mails someday.
But, really, how many e-mails from two
years ago and beyond does a person really need to save?
So I screwed up my technological
courage and began deleting page after page after page.
And I may have deleted one or two that
I probably shouldn't have. Oops.
If you sent me an e-mail and think I've
ignored you, it may be because it fell into the delete pile by
mistake. Feel free to contact me again, and I'll get back to you.
But I have a feeling that none of the ones that were deleted are ones
that we couldn't live without.
As we move into the colder weather,
take a look through your closets and identify those things that you
carry with you because “you might need it someday.” Chances are
you can probably live without it. Screw up your courage and donate
that item to the appropriate place – clothing sites, the Re-Use
Store, etc. Because sometimes it's necessary to have a planned Oops
in our lives as we reach out to others.