Advent III –
past Sunday was Gaudete Sunday, so named because the opening antiphon
of the Mass began, “Gaudete in Domino semper,” that is, “Rejoice
in the Lord always.”
and the whole holiday season for that matter, can be difficult for
people. There could be painful memories of family and/or friends who
have died. Jobs could be scarce. Finances may be imperiled.
Unexpected bills can suddenly appear. There are many reasons why
this is a difficult time for so many people.
yet, with all of those things going on, with the general busy-ness of
the season as we prepare for Christmas and the coming of the Messiah,
we are called to rejoice in the Lord. We are called to be joyful in
the Lord.
can seem to be problematic, though, because too often we have a
tendency to equate rejoice and/or joy with being happy. I heard a
sermon recently in which the preacher advocated that people “just
get over it” as a way to work toward joy/happiness. But working to
“just get over it” is simply a band-aid offered by some who are
eager for others to get back to normal. The problem is that what's
normal for one person may not be normal for another person.
. . . back to joy and rejoicing. These two things are not about
happiness. They are not about good feelings. It is something much
deeper. I think the quote from Frederick Buechner sums it up best,
“Your vocation in life is where your greatest joy meets the world's
greatest need.” When these two things meet, the process of
restoration begins – restoration of yourself as well as restoration
of the world around you.
way to look at it is to answer the question: Where is God calling
we gather to worship God in the beauty of holiness, there is joy.
When we welcome people as they are, respecting who they are, there is
joy. When we gather for Community Cafe to serve food to our guests,
there is joy. When we see a person's potential and encourage them to
pursue it, there is joy.
God is present in what we do and how we do it, there is joy. No, we
may not always be happy, but if we are aligned with God, there will
be joy. If we are looking to always be happy, we will probably be
unhappy. But if we are looking to be joyful and to rejoice, then we
need to spend time searching for that place where we and God meet.
It will be in that meeting where we find joy, it will be in that
meeting that we will rejoice, and it will be in that meeting where we
begin to see God's kingdom on earth, as it is in heaven.
in the Lord always, again I say, Rejoice!